

Here you will find more information about our rates. A budget is drawn up for treatments above € 250. This allows you to go to your health insurance to discuss what reimbursement you can expect. The reimbursements paid differ per insurance on the one hand, and per additional insurance on the other.

We use the standard rates of the NZA as a fixed guideline.

NZA tarieven


However, payment of bills is possible in several ways:
– the invoice is sent to you via the factoring company Infomedics (
– cash payment at the counter (next to the practice building is a MONEY ATM)

However, we do not work with payment arrangements. If you want to pay in phases on the basis of the budget, you can discuss this with your health insurance policy on the one hand, or with your own bank on the other.

European Patients


Decker & Kohl Judgment

On 28 April 1998, the Court of Justice of the European Community delivered two judgments (Decker and Kohl, C-120/95 and C-158/96). Pursuant to these judgments, the health insurance (mutuality) in Europe/Belgium cannot refuse to reimburse medical goods purchased or received in the Netherlands and / or services (at European/Belgian rates).
In other words: every European/Belgian patient can be treated in the Netherlands WITHOUT reimbursement by their own local health insurance fund, as long as the “numbers” are used, which apply in Europe/Belgium.
You will receive an invoice. This must be handed in to the local health insurance. This invoice is reimbursed via the system of foreign care provision according to the reimbursement applicable in Europe/Belgium. The only difference is that you usually have to wait a little longer for the refund!

Note: this regulation does not apply to frontier workers!

Lab Fees

We use the maximum technology costs as set by health insurer CZ, with which we have a preferred provider contract.

Tandtechniek tarieven

– maximum lab costs implantology: click here.

– other maximum lab costs: click here.


– Naturopathic consultation / EAV measurement: € 85 (pay by debit card in practice)
– Telephone consultation / max. 30 min: € 45,
– Combination consultation with dentist: see NZA rates
– Follow-up consultation within dental practice: € 60